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How to use the Hair Straightening Hot Comb correctly to achieve the desired results?

To use the Hair Straightening Hot Comb for the results, you can follow the following steps and precautions:
Clean your hair: First, make sure your hair is clean. Use a shampoo and conditioner suitable for your hair type, clean your hair thoroughly and rinse it out.
Dry your hair: Use a towel to gently press your hair to remove excess water. Do not rub too much to avoid damaging your hair.
Comb your hair: Use a comb or brush to comb your hair to make sure there are no clumps or tangles.
Preheating the Hot Comb:
Plug in the power supply and let the Hair Straightening Hot Comb preheat to the appropriate temperature. Different brands and models of Hot Combs may require different preheating times, so always refer to the product manual.
Note: Make sure not to touch the heating part of the Hot Comb with your hands during the preheating process to prevent burns.
Start straightening:
Start at the base of your hair and gently clamp a small section of hair with the teeth of the Hot Comb.
Slowly and evenly pull the Hot Comb down from the roots to the ends of your hair. Repeat this process, treating only a small section of hair at a time to ensure even heating and straightening results.
Note: Keep the Hot Comb moving during the straightening process and avoid staying in the same position for a long time to prevent excessive heat and damage to the hair.
Treat all hair:
Repeat the above steps until all sections that need to be straightened are treated.
Note: Make sure each section of hair is fully heated and treated for the straightening results.
Finishing and Maintenance:
After completing the straightening, disconnect the Hot Comb from the power supply and wait for it to cool before cleaning and storing.
When cleaning, use a soft cloth or paper towel to gently wipe the surface and teeth of the Hot Comb to remove residue and dirt.
For maintenance, check and replace the teeth of the Hot Comb regularly to ensure that it remains in good working condition and straightening results.
Before using the Hot Comb, make sure your hair is completely dry. Using the Hot Comb on wet hair may cause hair damage or burns.
Choose the appropriate temperature setting according to your hair type. Harder hair may require a higher temperature, while finer hair may require a lower temperature.
Do not use too much force or speed to pull the Hot Comb, as this may damage your hair or scalp.
When using the Hot Comb, stay focused and patient to achieve the straightening results.

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