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Can hair straighteners damage hair?

Yes, hair straighteners can potentially damage hair if they are not used correctly or if the heat settings are too high. The high heat used to straighten hair can cause damage to the hair shaft, resulting in split ends, breakage, and frizz. Repeated use of a hair straightener can also cause long-term damage to the hair, leading to thinning and dryness.
To minimize the risk of hair damage when using a hair straightener, it's important to:
Use a heat protectant spray or serum on your hair before using the straightener.
Use the lowest possible heat setting that still effectively straightens your hair. High heat settings should be reserved for very thick or curly hair.
Avoid leaving the straightener on any one section of hair for too long, as this can cause damage.
Use the straightener in small sections, rather than trying to straighten large sections at once.
Don't use a hair straightener on wet hair, as this can cause damage.
Give your hair a break from straightening whenever possible to allow it to recover and rest.
Overall, hair straighteners can be a useful tool for achieving a sleek, straight hairstyle, but it's important to use them carefully to avoid causing damage to your hair.

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